Thursday, 22 March 2018


·         Water is the petroleum of the 21st century.  (Yao Graham)

Mughal emperor Akbar built a majestic fort at Sikri near Agra, India and named it ‘Fatehpur Sikri’ (City of Victory) after Emperor Babur’s victory over Rana Sanga. It was his headquarters for 14 years from 1571 until 1585. Ironically, the fort built after victory in battle was abandoned due to lack of water and Akbar relocated to Agra Fort near the Yamuna River. Similarly, Kampuchea’s Angkor-Wat civilization thrived for centuries, but ultimately collapsed when its elaborate water storage/ supply system broke down. Water has been the lifeblood of all civilizations and remains vital. The water supply/ drainage system of Indus Valley civilization was commendable for that period, but the same will not work now.

Water (covering 70% surface) and clouds give Earth a bluish-white appearance from outer space. Of all water on earth, 97.19% is saline and 2.2% is underground or in polar ice-caps; leaving only 0.61% as fresh usable water. It exists as ice (solid), water (liquid) and vapor (gas); and its constant conversion from one form to another moderates the climate and gives our familiar seasons. Water cools, refreshes and rejuvenates. This universal solvent cleans everything by getting itself dirty, but leaves no taste, smell or color. Water is a living magic and sustains life. When cooled, it gradually contracts and is most dense at 4˚C; on further cooling it expands and freezes at 0˚C. Floating ice insulates the relatively warm water beneath, helping aquatic life to thrive even when the air above is far below freezing.  Water cannons break up violent mobs; the term ‘hydraulics’ comes from incompressibility of water; and ‘hydroelectricity’ is generated from potential energy of water. Water is taken for granted and the terms ‘On Tap’ for ‘freely available’ and ‘Down the Drain’ for ‘sheer waste’ come from its abundance; but a crisis is imminent.

A privileged few have purified water for everything; from cooking and bathing, to flushing toilets. Common drains take wastewater to effluent treatment plants (if existing), otherwise directly into rivers. Indian cities produce about 62000 MLD (million liters daily) of sewage, of which 39000 MLD is released untreated for want of infrastructure, time or energy. A fast growing population needs increasing amounts of good freshwater, but sources are limited/ polluted. Mumbai gets over 3000 MLD of water, and this requirement may increase to 6300 MLD by 2021. Tankers supply water worth Rs 3600 Crores a year in Mumbai alone and 20-50 liter packs of drinking water sell for Rs 40-200 each. Saudi Arabia relies solely on groundwater, which may run out in the next 13 years. Cape Town is the world’s first big city to run out of water now. Diverting water only for human consumption degrades the natural habitat of a variety of flora and fauna; causing a severe environmental impact. People waste water as heavily subsidized water purification and supply system (with neither punishment for waste nor incentive for saving) makes them unaware of its true worth. Lack of water in inhospitable terrain constrains military operations, which I experienced during a competition run of Camp Rover in NDA.  My squadron mates and I had started the cross-country march before dawn; with my only water-bottle empty, fatigue and dehydration seemed inevitable. Around sunrise we reached a hill where tall dew-laden grass soaked me up to the chest and water dripped off my fingertips. Dew, being almost like rainwater, I quenched my thirst by drinking the water that dripped off my little finger on lifting my elbow.

Wastewater. The more water we use, the more wastewater we produce; one liter of sewage pollutes eight liters of water and contaminates groundwater. Water purification is both difficult and costly downstream of polluted rivers (e.g. Ganges and Yamuna). Wastewater can be reduced by reusing water in laundry washing machines (reusing first rinse for prewash and second rinse for wash cycles to save 50%) and recycling to recover pure water and concentrated residue. Green Buildings require minimal resources (including water) and produce little or no waste. Water should ideally be supplied by separate pipes for the required use (purified for drinking, cooking and bathing; and raw for flushing and horticulture). Wastewater should be segregated into separate drains for reuse/ recycling as follows: ­-

§  Green Water. It is the bulk of wastewater from kitchens/ bathrooms. Suspended non-toxic bio-degradable organic matter settles down on river/ lake beds. Methane produced by anaerobic decomposition is probably the cause of fires on Bengaluru lakes. Roots of Cannas/ banana/ bulrushes/ grass planted between the Blue and Red flood-lines of rivers (where construction is banned) bio-filter this sewage and the clarified water can be used for horticulture/ flushing or released safely into water bodies. The perennial greenery sequesters carbon dioxide and acts as the city’s lungs.

§  Gutter Grease. Cooking oils and fats coagulate in cold weather and putrefy during warm weather to produce methane. Gutter grease can be collected in grease traps and converted into bio-fuel.

§  Fecal Matter. There is a mental block against treatment facilities for fecal matter near habitation. This can be bio-filtered in isolated vegetation patches between the Blue and Red flood-lines and the clarified water released into the river. Aerobic composting eliminates methane and makes energy intensive STPs redundant.

§  Red Water. This wastewater has a high proportion of potentially toxic TDS (total dissolved solids); detergents from domestic sewage and chemicals from industrial effluents. Zero-discharge of Red Water by segregation and complete recycling prevents water pollution.

The Natural Water Cycle. The water cycle creates rivers (conveyor belts of life) that deposit silt to make the plains fertile. Water vapor is produced in summer when temperature is far below the boiling point of water; and precipitation occurs during the (heat-index-wise) hottest part of the year. The water cycle replenishes reservoirs whose capacity is reduced by silt. Most underground aquifers are depleted faster than natural percolation can replenish them. The summer flow of glacier-fed perennial rivers is reduced as glaciers recede due to global warming. Climate change causes floods, droughts or untimely precipitation, which affect food production adversely.

One evening we had a good shower at our campsite in the midst of a 1000 m wide tree belt planted all along Indira Gandhi Canal. Surprisingly, not a drop fell on barren sand dunes just a few kilometers away; proving that the trees had facilitated the precipitation. Reforestation of barren land will check climate change and prevent drought. Forests prevent soil erosion, facilitate subsoil percolation and sequester carbon dioxide.

Traditional houses in semi-desert Rajasthan store rooftop rainwater in underground tanks for the year’s drinking and cooking. However, Rainwater Harvesting is possible only during the monsoon and is limited to storage and treatment facilities. It will help to understand how the Bishnois’ sustainable lifestyle has conserved the delicate environment of Rajasthan’s desert. Weather is a complex phenomenon that depends on numerous variables. Environmental amnesia makes us forget that there was no atmospheric haze before climate change became a serious problem. A simultaneous increase in fossil fuel consumption and deforestation (reduced carbon sink) has compounded the problem. Nano-particles of SPM being dark absorb solar radiation and contribute directly to global warming. Warm air holds more moisture to cause cloudbursts, storms and cyclones. Ionization effect of vegetation will reduce suspended particulate matter (SPM). Unnecessary burning of garbage and biomass should stop. The poor who rely on solid fuels would benefit from improved smokeless stoves.

Replication of Water Cycle. A survival technique (Solar Still) replicates the water cycle on a small scale, where a clear plastic sheet over a pit produces water vapor by day and water at night. During monsoons in Mumbai, water condenses on single-sheet glass windows of AC rooms with the inner surface barely 5 – 6°C cooler than the outside. Water also condenses inside discarded PET water-bottles over a day/ night cycle. This phenomenon is attributable to high relative humidity and a small temperature difference. The myth that distilled water is completely de-mineralized and hence not potable lacks credibility, because simply adding the required quantity of essential minerals gives ideal drinking water.

Water cannot be produced/ manufactured, but reduce (usage), reuse and recycle (by an artificial water cycle) is imperative. Distillation and Reverse Osmosis involve huge infrastructure/ energy and are unviable. Innovations like Atmospheric Water Generator and Seawater Greenhouse have limited output. During Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s Israel visit, he was shown the GALMobile, a Jeep-like vehicle that produces pure water from wastewater/ seawater.

Problems. Huge quantities of wastewater and low-grade waste heat need considerable energy and infrastructure for treatment/ disposal. Cooling tower of chillers/ central AC plants consume about 1000 KwH of electricity each and treating 300 KL effluent costs about Rs 6000/- per day.

Proposed Concept. A hermetically sealed system for vacuum-aided low-temperature distillation of liquids called RENEWATE gives a continuous supply of clean freshwater (in compressed time/ space). A warm evaporator contains a batch of saline/ wastewater and the relatively cool condenser collects pure distillate. An active system helps to maintain the maximum possible temperature difference between the evaporator and condenser. Low-grade waste heat from compressors, engines, etc makes the system work as a super conductor for rapid heat exchange. Pure water can be recovered from seawater, industrial effluents and sewage; and solvents from chemical processes. A small-scale working model has proved the concept and can be scaled up. Working conditions in the system are created and maintained with very little energy; and the power saved is power generated. Patent applied for vide 1186/MUM/2010 dated 09 April 2010 and Trademark RENEWATE on 10 November 2011.

Comparison with Existing Systems.

§  Works as advanced radiators and cooling towers.

§  Works as a combined water purification and effluent treatment plant.

§  It is an advanced version of Seawater Greenhouse and Atmospheric Water Generator.

Possible Variations. Various possible applications of RENEWATE are as follows: -

§  Produce pure distillate and concentrated residue to recover chemicals.

§  Concentrate seawater into brine/ salt.

§  Symbiotic functioning of cold storage chillers with sugar mills uses waste heat to concentrate sugarcane juice.

§  Concentrate milk and fruit juices in food processing.

§  Work as a home heating system in extremely cold climates.

§  Produce freshwater in ships.

§  Provide efficient heat sink for compressors in green buildings.

Advantages/ Benefits.

§  Low-grade waste heat/ solar heat and wastewater/ seawater are utilized as resources to produce concentrated residue and pure water, which are both useful.

§  Water purification/ effluent treatment plants and inefficient radiators/ cooling towers become redundant.

§  Provision of pure water to survivors of natural calamities prevents waterborne diseases, which cause 88% of avoidable deaths. Pure water is produced from brackish and arsenic/ fluoride contaminated water.

§  Reforestation of barren areas alleviates climate change and sequesters carbon dioxide.

§  Bottled water is redundant, eliminating the environmental cost of packaging, transport and waste disposal.

Conclusion:  RENEWATE converts abundantly available wastewater/ seawater into pure water at virtually no cost, using up low-grade solar/ waste heat. Existing aquifers are already inadequate and new dams that submerge forests, agriculture/ grasslands and displace people are not needed. Mass migrations from water-stressed areas (like Syria) can make situations like Angkor Wat possible. Clean water from RENEWATE can make coastal areas self reliant round the year. Industrial effluents are converted from a liability into assets (pure water and recovered chemicals) and zero-discharge eliminates pollution. RENEWATE can be the foundation for ‘green’ sustainable development by recycling waste and reducing cost. Its potential benefits, like the value of a head load of water carried over long distances by women in water deficient areas, are difficult to quantify. RENEWATE integrates ‘Ecology’ with ‘Economy’ with great potential for long-term financial benefits, plus intangible benefits of improved health and environment.

Forestalling environmental crises can be a thankless job. People won’t realize that a problem has been solved/ averted because they can’t see it anymore; just like the people of Hamlin, who forgot their promises after Pied Piper got rid of the rats.

·         When the well is dry we know the worth of water.  (Benjamin Franklin)

·         We have not inherited Earth from our ancestors; we are merely borrowing it from future generations.


  1. Eye opening article. Yes,water is 21st century's Petrol.Today, using oil exploration technology for exploring water may be very hypothetical but in 22nd century it may be neccesity.

  2. Eye opening article. Yes,water is 21st century's Petrol.Today, using oil exploration technology for exploring water may be very hypothetical but in 22nd century it may be neccesity.

  3. Good write-up. Stumbled upon this interesting species when i navigated to the AWG link-

    One question though on-
    "Work as a home heating system in extremely cold climates."
    Isn't this system supposed to rather use up ambient heat towards vaporisation?

    Bengaluru and other major Indian cities aren't far behind Cape Town-

    I am aware you have a scaled model that demonstrates this technology. I guess a prototype that powers the potable water needs of one family inhabiting a region with access to only brackish water over a year would demonstrate this system's usefulness.

    Wish you the best on the patent application!

    1. Thanks Viks, the home heating system is a concept of conveying heat from the boiler to the cooler rooms that need to be heated. Similar to heat pipes working on ammonia that prevent melting of permafrost.
